Don't Look Up
You may be tired and weary
You may feel lost
But don't look up
You haven't found a place to settle
But keep going
Don't look up
Remember the mystery is the beauty of it all
Each moment is precious
Find the joy that's waiting for you
Stay true to your heart
Keep focus on your next step
Don't worry about what's on the horizon
Know you're not alone
Everyone is walking their path
while falling under His grace
Persevere in your faith with your head down
Enjoy the fleeting moments that come one step at a time
And don't look up
You may feel lost
But don't look up
You haven't found a place to settle
But keep going
Don't look up
Remember the mystery is the beauty of it all
Each moment is precious
Find the joy that's waiting for you
Stay true to your heart
Keep focus on your next step
Don't worry about what's on the horizon
Know you're not alone
Everyone is walking their path
while falling under His grace
Persevere in your faith with your head down
Enjoy the fleeting moments that come one step at a time
And don't look up