I’m often in awe of the night sky, especially when the stars are beyond count and the cloudy Milky Way reveals itself in a spectacular explosion of light and color. It’s a powerful moment of the incredible scale that surrounds us. The scene is literally so vast, we’re looking into time. #mind_blown
Whenever I get to this place where the stars literally grow before my eyes and the galaxy can be seen wrapping our planet, I muse about how this incomprehensible scene is always here. Each and every night as the sun shares its light with the other side of Earth, this scene is set before us, yet where most of us live this magical scene is hidden from view.
Fortunately I’ve been privileged enough to witness what I believe is one of the best shows on earth a handful of times and each time I look out at the known universe, I wonder about life…how it began, why am I here, who else is out there, where am I going?
The answers to these questions are often hidden from us much like this spectacular scene and I believe that is a good thing.
I feel life is a journey most often lived one step at a time because we literally cannot see far enough out in our lives to take the steps beyond the one before our feet. Those steps that lie ahead are concealed by everyday life just as light pollution ironically covers the beautiful array of the night sky.
It’s only when we escape all the hustle and bustle around us do we gain enough perspective to try and see our own life before us. If we seek to find the hidden answers, I believe they will reveal themselves in a quiet, stunning scene. However, the only way to see them is to travel to that quiet spot…away from the bright haze of societal life.
I find my answers best when I return to the basics, where quietness, wonder and awe abound. It’s here that I can get a unique glimpse of my journey and make sure I’m walking to the drum of my heart.
Thankfully I don’t see my entire path before me as surely I would be paralyzed by fear of seeing all my future successes and failures. Fortunately I can only see a step or two beyond where I’m at. It’s like the beauty we’re able to behold on a night here on earth which I’m barely able to contain within my mind. I honestly don’t think our minds could process the unimaginable beauty and wonders that lie in the unknown universe.
I think of my quiet reflection under a stunning night sky as me peering out in my own life just enough to make sure my feet are in the right place for what may lie ahead. Afterall, what adventure would we have if everything was known? How would we experience awe and wonder if everything in nature was in plain sight and known?
As the seasons change, make time to reflect on your journey. You don’t have to be outside to gain perspective on your life, but I believe there is unmatched power in the scenes that humble us before the vastness of the world we are able to explore. For me, seeking answers in the quietness of nature has a unique way to help me understand my own life and my place in the world.