The Adventure:
The path of the less travelled is marked to "Linville Gorge" and leads into the woods on your left from the visitor's center parking lot. It will take you down to the base of the waterfall in roughly 3/4 of a mile. Although not as popular as other routes at Linville Falls the trail is in good shape. I suggest hiking down to the bottom and relaxing for a bit - maybe even have a picnic on some of the large rocks while listening to the roaring falls.
On your way back, you'll see the Plunge Basin Overlook on your left (you passed it on your right on the way down - right?). Take this short .2 mile stroll for an overlook that gives an overhead view of where you just were. This is likely to have more people since it's closer to the visitor center, but worth a short stay.
Out and Back
Just under 2 miles round trip. The elevation gain is unknown, but it's considered a strenuous hike - I would guess several hundred feet, but you got it!
This one is easy...the Linville Falls Visitor Center off Linville Falls Road. Don't navigate to the Linville Falls Trail off Old NC Highway 105 - although this is also a cool hike and worth doing - this will take you on the rim of the gorge for a birds eye view of the falls (said differently you won't get my photos below from those vistas)
The usuals + hiking poles/walking stick. The route down is steep in parts and generally wet so be prepared for loose footing at times.
Don't Forget:
This is a powerful river and waterfall - swimming isn't allowed due to the fast currents.
My Take:
Spend some time here if you get here early. It's a nice place to soak up some rays. If you want more solitude try it at dusk it's neat to watch the sun set behind the falls.